Monday, March 30, 2009

Mr. Los Angeles' Worn Copy

In light of the big show at T.T. the Bear's Place Wednesday night I though I would put up some Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti for the uninitiated. Most Likely there will be some more tomorrow, but for now I'm putting up one of his more available albums jsut because... I'd put it ont he web already... tomorrow most likely Lover Boy.

Worn Copy, though his second release on Paw Tracks was actually his last recorded album to be released. Though it is not his most solid, IMO, it has some of his strongest work I have heard so far and has his best use of long song structures, which in earlier work can get tiresome. In addition to songwriting and arrangement his playing is tighter, but the true star is the lyrical content on this album which ranges from the frighteningly relevant and foreboding "Trepanated Earth," "Artifact," and "Credit" to a look on Pink's distinctly Los Angeles persona in "Life in L.A." and "Jules Lost His Jewels."

Overall his sound is pure L.A. - a unique blend of all of that city's diverse musical history: Sunset Strip Hippiedom, Yacht Rock, L.A. Punk, Deathrock, Paisley Underground, and Hair metal are all well represented in his Lo-Fi sound. Outsider musicians like R. Stevie Moore (with whom Pink has collaborated) and Bobb Trimble are also unmistakable influences.

Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti - Worn Copy

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