Thursday, August 29, 2013

Roots, Part 9: Uncovered! The Popes!

In part 7 I realized I mentioned the Popes who existed for a week (possibly longer with more people in the same name - transition from Xyster to Hurtu era) in 2002.  Just me and Aidan at Summer Music Programs plus Jeff Ziga and a girl named Jen, both instructors, on drums and guitar, respectively.  It was rare for a band to be so unconcerned with being "mature" at Summer Music programs and this EP's two originals are repetitive, droney instrumentals.  The guest guitarist questioned our open-ness to "goth," but at 15 I explained to her what goth really was with these tracks.

We had a great week and I go to sing "Transmission" and "Beat on the Brat" as the two of us were able to explore our, or probably just my stupid teenage musical ideas for a week.  In a lot of ways, this is a more "professional"-sounding version of The Power of Rawk but with more sax.  Either way, more teenage outsider rock.

The next week we were thrown into Chronic Insurgence, and unfortunately I could not find Watergun Outlet, that band's fascinating EP when I was in New Jersey.  Not sure what else to add, you know the characters already, all there is the music and if you can believe it, all the album art!

Also, I was temporarily unaware of Shane McGowan's band of the same name, and that's why it did not stick.  The names were chosen to be religiously offensive.

Back, front cover

The inside.  Pictures taken that Tuesday and scanned from Weird NJ.

Back cover, can't remember the source of that image
DOWNLOAD:  The Popes - Shabazz! (2002)

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