Thursday, April 23, 2009

Cor, Baby, This is Really Free!

Here is an artist I'd been meaning to check out for a while and this video totally sold me on him just last night. I guess to compare him to anything (if you haven't watched the video yet) I would say a crazier Billy Bragg, though the same could not be said for frequent collaborator Wild Willy Barratt. He looks more like a Southern rocker, IMO. Perhaps needlessly to say, what I like most about John Otway is his theatricality, fearlessness, and just-plain-weirdness. I have not had the time to absorb the below compilation yet, but of course I love the song fromt he video, which is quite different from the version seen. "Beware of the Flowers" was also a hit in the UK, and so far I am feeling the rest of this comp. "Headbutts," more of a comedy act, was also pretty well known-and earned the duo a sponsorshit from Shure microphones, which of course, was well-deserved.

John Otway - Greatest Hits (2002)


Hank said...

You can't help but love this guy, can you? Nobody does lovably eccentric like the British. Great post! Really like the rest of your blog, too.

McEneaney Gonzales said...

Oh, thank you, sir! John Otway really is the greatest it's a shame such a unique artist is so obscure... at least in the US.